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The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another

“Learn To Move Eat Live Breathe Love”

-Dr. Andrea Elise Hunter


During times of transition, it’s important to get your rhythm. Part of being in rhythm is reclaiming your unique power. When your energy is flowing: life feels vibrant and beautiful, your energy feels light, balanced and bright, and you feel connected to yourself and others. And when it’s out of sync, everything seems a bit grayer, internally you feel sluggish, and life tends to feel a lot harder than usual.

When lots of changes are happening, daily movement is the first thing to go. It’s hard to be in touch with

your energy flow through you when it’s parked at your desk or the couch. So let’s move! Practice some yoga or mediation. Commit to walking for at least 15 minutes each day. Join a bike club. Take a tai chi class. Or my personal favorite and FREE can be done in the privacy of your living room — have a Five Minute Dance Party. Whatever you choose, just be present while you do it.


Appreciate Yourself and Others

The quickest and most effective way to get your groove back is to return to a state of love. Take a moment, right now, to appreciate something about yourself. Take a deep breath and let the warmth of your appreciation envelop you. Now think of someone that you care about. Appreciate something about that person and picture that appreciation wrapping them in light. Make this a daily practice (bonus if you do it more than once). Energy follows thought, so as your thoughts go toward what you love about yourself and others, those qualities grow. See it as you want it to be and you will manifest it.


Practice the Art of Relaxing

Somewhere, someone told us relaxing is lazy and unneeded and we have taken on this false belief that causes us to be fatigued, stressed out, snappy, and unhappy (PLEASE GIVE THIS LIE BACK). Actually, when you don’t rest your body doesn’t produce the regeneration cells needed for your immune system. Which explain why you are tired even after you think you have rested. How can you build an empire if you have no blueprint? Take several deep breathes and sit down. Find a way at least once a week to mediate alone, by yourself or exercise Yoga, Pilates. Just do something that allows your mind stop with the everyday things that must be done and rest. BREATHE IN!


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